flash fiction: just talking

Nick Sheri
3 min readMar 26, 2023

this boy in my economics class, he sits next me and we’ve been talking some, well there are some projects the teacher sometimes asks us to do together — in economics class? — yes — oh you haven’t seen him around before? — i don’t think so, we just met, or the first time we’ve run into each other — what does he look like? — he’s black, handsome, a little short maybe — oh well, that’s nice — yeah honestly i’ve never really dated any black men at all, or boys, but i thought i’d talk to him, just the opportunity hadn’t come up before — me neither, so are you going out? — i don’t know, i’m not sure, i assume he’ll ask me out — why do you think he’ll ask you out? — it’s just a vibe, i think he’ll ask me out —

so you just decided to talk to him first?

— yes, well, like i said we sometimes have these discussions, we get paired up by the teacher, to talk about economics — is he smart? — i don’t know, he doesn’t talk much, i don’t think so — my cousin dated a black guy once, she says it really expanded her mind — oh really? — yes sometimes things got very intense she’d say the wrong thing and it would turn into an argument — yes it’s hard to know what to say, maybe that’s why he doesn’t talk much either because he’s not sure what to say, he doesn’t want to say the wrong thing — yeah, so many pitfalls in that kind of relationship but you have to be brave — ha well yes i am — what’s his name? — bronnie — like lebron? — i don’t know, you mean lebron james? — well like that, i mean that doesn’t sound like a full name —

right i know but it’s easy to say, just comes off the lips —

it does, very easily, you know you should invite him over to the dorm, to meet me, we can have a few drinks — like what? — whatever, some vodka, a 40 — oh my god shut the fuck up — ha, just kidding, i’m sure he drinks vodka like the rest of us — i don’t drink vodka — yes i forgot you don’t drink vodka, just beer, what difference does it make? — you’d probably embarrass me in front of him — oh my god — like say stupid shit and get me in trouble — fuck you i’m cool, we’ll just have a few drinks and you can go out and you’ll be on your way, for a walk or something — i don’t know him that well but maybe — well then for an ice cream at chicki’s it’s only a couple blocks down — you’re right, everyone hangs out there maybe friday then —

i think though this would be really great for you, to get out —

yes it would, i know you’ve been pushing me, to make my own way, take more action — yes yes you should take more action and this is a great opportunity — he has a nice smile, he has this way of kind of nudging me when we talk and we laugh — well that would be flirting but you know maybe he shouldn’t be that aggressive — it’s not aggressive, he’s just connecting — okay well we won’t drink too much when he comes by — i won’t i’m always careful — yes good — funny thing now thinking more i think i’ve seen him around, like walking around campus — probably — if i did i’d think i would have recognized how incredibly handsome he is, muscular — oh wow, i’ve probably seen him around too —


Image by Mircea — All in collections from Pixabay

